Paper Folding Workshop & Lecture
Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle
Subject: Teaching Assignment
Title: Maskenball
Lecture: Origami in Industry, Art, Design & Architecture
Workshop: Industrial Design
Departure: Industrial Design
University: Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle
City: Halle/Saale
Studio Kristina Wißling has previously held a variety of origami and paper folding workshops, seminars, and teaching assignments at various universities such as the Bauhaus University Weimar, TU Darmstadt, Kunsthochschule Kassel, Do School Hamburg or RWTH Aachen. We create customized events that can be tailored to students or participants from a wide range of areas.
Kristina Wißling was invited to develop paper props for role- playing games with students from Faculty Industrialdesign at Burg Giebichtenstein- Academy of Art and Design in Halle. After teaching the theoretical basics in the form of cinematic contributions and lectures, the students had the knowledge to use the different materials and folding techniques- like “one sheet no cuts” folding to composite (multi sheet) origami. The special focus was on the development of their own crease patterns and the folding and presentation of their own designs on a scale of 1:1.

Name: "Maskenball"
Application: Paper Folding Workshop
Attendees: Design Students
Workshop Content:
- Research Synthetic Papers
- Different Folding Techniques like Origami
- Cutting & Folding Techniques
- Designing Crease Pattern
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