Origami Engineering Workshop
Bauhaus University Weimar
Subject: Invited Guest Lecture, Workshop
Topic: Foldable Designs for the Entrance
Lecture: Inspiration and Innovation through Origami Technology
Workshop: Folding techniques for industrial applications
Departure: Industrial Design
University: Bauhaus-Universität-Weimar
City: Weimar
Studio Kristina Wißling has previously given a large number of lectures, workshops and seminars at various universities such as Burg Giebichtenstein Kunsthochschule für Art und Design in Halle, students of the Department of Architecture TU Darmstadt, young start-ups at the DoSchool in Hamburg and innovation workshops with companies such as Durable and Sachsenröder. We create tailor-made events that can be organised with participants from a wide variety of disciplines or backgrounds.
Folding, bending, crumpling, waving, twisting - each of these processes creates three-dimensionality. What was previously flat receives a function and could become a "product". For designers, folding is one of the most elementary design methods of all, because hardly any product can do without the stabilizing bend or curvature. Whether the folding is celebrated as a style- forming agent, or allows certain requirements such as a small pack size, is up to the designer.
After intensive research by the students into the basics of folding, they experimented with different materials and gained initial experience with metal, plastic, textile and cardboard in three short exercises. In the seminar with the students from the industrial design department on the subject of "Arriving", folded and foldable products were created around the entrance area. The module was concluded with a well thought-out exhibition of the results and a documentation.
Of particular interest in the seminar were the basics of folding as well as the experiences and possibilities of folding in product design and industry. If you are interested in holding paper art workshops please get in touch.

Name: Yoshimura Pattern
Size Crease Pattern: 14cm*20cm
Used for: Stiffness in Aluminium Cans
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