Airbags, convertible roofs, folding plans, package inserts, applications in medicine or space travel: Kristina Wißling has dedicated herself to the practical application of the art of (origami) folding. She works with the aesthetics as well as the special static and constructive properties of folded surfaces and bodies.
Kristina Wißling's professional career started through training as a design assistant and studying communication design which then led her to work as a freelance designer. After further training and development, she received her first award in 2010 for her concept "Origami for the industry". Further prizes followed.
In addition to her work in product development in her own office in Lennestadt, she teaches regularly at various universities and holds lectures at development and research institutions such as the Fraunhofer Institute. Her focus is on various different folding techniques and the construction of crease patterns.
Since: 2008
Awards: Cutural&Creative Pilots Award sponsored by the German Federal Government, 2010
"100 Women of Tomorrow"- The Land of Ideas under the patronage of the president of Germany, 2011
Quote: Bring two independent things together and you experience something unexpected.
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Studio Kristina Wißling is run by Kristina Wißling, a designer and folding expert who has been working with folding techniques and origami engineering for over 10 years. In her office in South Westphalia, Kristina Wißling develops tailor-made installations, objects, set designs, paper art, monumental origami and paper sculptures inspired by origami and geometry.
Kristina Wißling has become known for her concept "Origami for the industry" and for bridging the traditional Japanese folding technique Origami in industrial applications. In addition, the computer aided development of folding designs that are visually unique, often include complicated details, accuracy and craftsmanship.
For large scale projects, Kristina Wißling works with a diverse team of people from a variety of backgrounds, including artists, engineers, art directors, illustrators, filmmakers and photographers- depending on the skills required for each project. Kristina Wißling holds lectures and conducts folding technique workshops in form of in-house workshops in companies, brands and universities and shares her passion for origami, geometry and folding techniques. Kristina Wißling discovered her fascination with origami, folding techniques & geometry during her studies and founded her office in 2008 after graduating in communication design.
Her joint project with the artist Frank Boelter caused a huge sensation: the folding of a Leopard III tank - a project funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation. Kristina Wißling developed the folding patterns for the respective application on the computer - in this case it took several weeks. A dozen German Army soldiers took on the task of creating the Leopard III from just two pieces of paper in 20*20 or 20*10 meter format. The whole team achieved a great deal of attention in different social media channels, newspaper, radio and television.
Her previous customers include Durable, Miele, Kolle&Rebbe, ETH Zurich, RWTH Aachen, Rituals, Zeiss, Sachsenröder, Fraunhofer Institute, and companies from the automotive and packaging industry. Kristina Wißling was awarded by the German government as a cultural and creative pilot and by the initiative Land of Ideas as one of the 100 women of tomorrow.


In the art of origami, which probably originated in China, three-dimensional bodies are folded from mostly square pieces of paper without any additional aids. On the other hand, folding can be used to make a spatial object as compact as possible for transportation. Parquetry, i.e. the regular repetition of a fold on a paper surface, can be used to produce an insulating, dimensionally stable/resilient, springy, particularly light, stiffened layer from a sheet of paper or to produce certain acoustic properties. In this way less environmentally friendly, heavier or more expensive materials can be replaced. This opens up a huge, future-oriented field of possible applications.
What we do

Set Design & paper Art
Kristina Wißling works together with clients to develop customized set design solutions and installations for large and small projects. The focus is on geometric and folded objects that are handmade. The set design projects are primarily related to paper folding techniques, but we also have experience in working with fabrics, metal, concrete, wood and composites. For larger projects special machine techniques are used. Each project is unique, but always involves a high level of craftsmanship and complicated details.
If you are interested in the construction of installations, window design and paper objects inspired by geometry and folding please get in touch.
If you would like to take a "look behind the scenes": The "making of process" of the objects and installations can be followed via live stream on different social media channels such as Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube to achieve great media attention.
If you are interested in installations and the development of paper objects using geometry and folding techniques, and would like to follow the process live, please get in touch.
Kristina Wißling provides a considerable number of talks each year on origami and folding techniques and their connections and applications in art, science, architecture, industry, medical technology and space travel. The lecture groups range from architecture and design students to engineers and companies in the automotive, packaging and aerospace industries. Discuss a possible lecture or workshop at your venue, or via videoconferencing tools. Please get in touch.
Lectures & Workshops
Kristina Wißling provides special folding technique and origami workshops for brands, universities, as well as innovation in-house workshops in companies. The workshops are led by designer Kristina Wißling, who has more than 10 years of teaching experience. The lecture groups range from architecture and design students to R&D departments in companies. We have already held numerous workshops focusing on geometry and folding techniques, including the ETH Zurich, RWTH Aachen, Bauhaus University Weimar, Burg Giebichenstein in Halle, Durable, Sachsenröder and Miele. Lectures & workshops are available, as well as Online-Workshops via Zoom and will soon be available as an OnDemand version. Discuss a possible lecture or workshop at your venue, or via videoconferencing tools. Please get in touch.
We offer several remote workshops that cater to the different needs of designers, architects, engineers and and artists: THE PAPER FOLDING MASTERCLASS, the most comprehensive online workshop yet developed by Kristina, where she teaches you the basics of folding techniques and effective methods to create your best work yet. There are also two sliceform workshops that teach you the techniques for creating sliceform objects, called SLICEFORM-BASIC, and SLICEFORM-ADVANCED, a step-by-step course on creating your own sliceform object.

Studio Kristina Wißling is a design studio run by Kristina Wißling, a designer and folding expert who has been working with folding techniques and origami engineering for over 10 years. In her office, Kristina Wißling develops tailor-made installations, objects, set designs, paper art, monumental origami and paper sculptures inspired by origami and geometry. We work for artists, agencies, magazines, companies and brands to create stunning folding structures for large and small projects.
GRUNDIG - RITUALS - ZEISS - KLUDI - GOOGLE CLOUD - BILLERUDKORSNÄS - Durable - Kolle Rebbe - RWTH Aachen - Cornelsen - KUBOTA - FRAUNHOFER Institut - Sachsenröder - MIELE - Deutsches Verpackungsinstitut - TRACTO TECHNIK - ETH Zürich - DOSCHOOL Hamburg - BPW Bergische Achsen Kommanditgesellschaft - reaze I Digitalagentur - Deutsche Apotheker und Ärztebank - Kunsthalle Mainz - trio-Group communikation & marketing GmbH - Statement GmbH - Sparda Bank Münster - VITE! Concepts GmbH - Bauhhaus Universität Weimar - Burg Giebichenstein - Freischreiber

100 Women of Tomorrow/ Germany- The Land of Ideas- Patron: President of Germany, 2011
Innovation Prize from the Sauerland Region Entrepreneurial Group- Sauerland Initiative, Innovative Business Concepts for Rapidly Changing Markets- Award winner Origami for Industry, 2011
The City of Dortmund Innovation Laboratory- New High Tech Businesses with Innovation Potential- Award winner with Origami for Industry, 2011
Cultural& Creative Pilots Awards, German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy/ Competition sponsored by the Federal German Government Cultural Industry Initiative- Award winner with Origami for Industry, 2010
Business plan competition Start2Grow, Dortmund/ Top 10 German Nationwide Business Concepts - Award winner with Origami for Industry, 2010
Founder Workshop/ Coaching kultur.unternehmen.dortmund, Award winner with Origami for Industry, 2009
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung – Lufthansa Exclusive Magazin – NDR – WDR – SPIEGEL ONLINE – Magazin agenda design – VOITH nextlevel magazin – Land der Ideen – Deutsches Verpackungsinstitut e.V. Magazin – Publikation Initiative Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft der Bundesregierung – Y- Das Magazin der Bundeswehr - PAGE – Magazin Wunderwelt des Wissens – LEAD Innovation Management Blog – ARTE – Deutschlandradio Kultur – The 3DEXPERIENCE Magazine – dapd – Konrad Adenauer Stiftung - Dradio - DradioWissen - Radio Eins – Deutschland Radio Kultur – Germany.Info – SPIEGEL - Blog LEAD Innovation Management – Blog IFM Electronic
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NEUSTART KULTUR- Scholarship Programme 2021

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Award winner - 100 Frauen von morgen / Land der Ideen

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