Monumental Origami Tank
MhM Dresden
Application: Monumental Origami
Title: Origami Paper Tank for MhM Dresden
Project: LEOrigamiPART III
Folding Technology: Computer Aided Origami Design
Material: Waterproof Synthetic Paper, Wood
Color: White
Format/Size: 1:1
Inspired by: Leopard II
Photography: c Denis Bury
Initiator/Concept: Frank Boelter, Bundeswehr, MhM
Studio Kristina Wißling was asked to develop and build a Leopard III Paper Tank in a 1:1 scale - in original size. After design and construction of the crease pattern and manufacturing of two paper surfaces of 5m*10m and 10m*10m from plastic-coated paper, the realisation of the paper tank began in two phases.
Supported by the Federal Art Foundation, the construction (basic folding) of the paper tank began in the summer of 2011 under the guidance of Kristina Wißling and Frank Boelter with the support of soldiers from the Officers' School of the Army and Staff Music Corps in the Julius-Leber-Kaserne in Berlin Reinikendorf and was then transported to Dresden to the Military History Museum of the Bundeswehr.
As part of a special exhibition „Panzer Kunst Panzer“ for the Dresden Museum Summer Night in 2012, the paper tank was set up and placed vis-à-vis with the original Leopard II outside of the Museum in front of the Libeskindkeil. This again was done with the help of a group of soldiers. After the museum's summer night, the paper tank was on display for another five-week exhibition period.
At the same time a project documentation was exhibited in the museum, including drawings and models of the paper tank.
For months, the project attracted a great deal of attention in a wide range of media: print, social media, TV, radio, Bild Zeitung, Frankfurter Allgemeine, Spiegel Online and in the special edition of „Bundeswehr und Gesellschaft“ of the Y- Magazin der Bundeswehr.
Project info: The project is a project of the artist Frank Boelter sponsored by the Kulturstiftung des Bundes. The order to create the paper tank was issued by the Berlin/ Julius Leber Kaserne location command. The construction of the paper tank was coordinated and accompanied by the participation of soldiers from Berlin and Dresden.
A documentation of the Monumental Folding Demonstartion of the Paper Tank with many photographs is here.

Name: LEOrigamiPart III
Folding Technology: Monumental Origami
Size Crease Pattern: 10m* 20m +/ 20m*20m
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