Presentation & Workshop
RWTH Aachen
Subject: Presentation, Lecture & Workshop
Event: 6th Annual Meeting of the DFG Priority Programme 1542
Title:"Lightweight construction with concrete"
Lecture:"Folding Techniques in Industry and Research"
Workshop: Origami Mechanisms and Structures
Customer/Client: RWTH Aachen University
Location: T3 Pavillion at the Chair and Institute for Solid Structures
City: Aachen
Kristina Wißling held a lecture on origami mechanisms and structures followed by a workshop at the RWTH Aachen within the 6th annual meeting of the Priority Program SPP 1542 "Leicht Bauen mit Beton"/"Lightweight construction with concrete" funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)/ German Research Foundation (DFG) .
After the first series of lectures, in which the results achieved so far were presented and discussed, the participants had the opportunity to develop their own three-dimensional folding structures with specially perforated papers from London. This was done as part of a workshop in the T3 Pavilion at the Chair and Institute for Solid Structures after a lecture on "Folding Techniques in Industry and Research-Origami Mechanisms and Structures".
If you are also interested in a lecture and workshop at your university or research institution, or would like to know more about the project, do not hesitate to get in contact.

Name: Origami Folding Techniques
Material: Protopaper with Triangle and Square Pattern
Size Crease Pattern: 41cm*56cm
Workshop Content:
- Folding with Hexagonal Precrease Sheets for Tesselations
- Folding with Waterbomb Base Precrease Sheets
- Sattle Surfaces
More information about Origami Mechanisms and Structures?

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