Keynote Speech
DVI German Packaging Institute
Subject: Keynote Speech
Event: 26. Dresden Packaging Conference
Title: "Origami Engineering - Vision or Reality"
Customer/Client: German Packaging Institute
Photography: Copyright DVI
Location: Dreikönigskirche
City: Dresden
Every year Kristina Wißling give a fair number of lectures on origami in art and design and origami (folding techniques) and their applications in industry. The different target groups range from students at art colleges to aerospace and automotive companies. If you are interested in learning more about a possible lecture or workshop at your venue, please contact us.
Kristina Wißling was asked to give the keynote speech at the 26th Dresden Packaging Conference. The opening speech titled "Origami Engineering - Vision or Reality" included the 3 sections: 1. History and Development of Folding Techniques, 2. Origami for Engineering - Applications in Design, Research and Industry "as well as an insight into the future with " The Future Unfolds "- Future Developments / Smart Materials, Self-Folding Structures, Printed Folding and Folding Robots".
At the 26th Dresden Packaging Conference organized by the German Packaging Institute e.V. (dvi) and the Scientific Society for Material Handling and Packaging (wgfv), more than 160 participants took part in 12 technical lectures. The variety of topics ranged from origami in industrial applications via 3D image recognition, high-tech and sustainability in materials, the revolution in retail and 3D printing and temperature-controlled online dispatch through to design4recycling.
A report and an interview titled: "Wrinkles That You Want! "was also published in the magazine" Know How Now "/ Material-Technologie-Digitalisierung". You can read it here.
Organizer: Deutsches Verpackungsinstitut e.V. (dvi) and the Scientific Society for Federmatic Technology and Packaging (wgfv)

Name: 3D Miura Ori
Size Crease Pattern: 15,5 cm* 20cm
Structure: Tessellation
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