Origami Give Aways
Application: Paper Art
Title: Customized Origami Objects for Zeiss
Project: Origami Paper Art for the International Congress of German Ophtalmic Surgeons in Nuremberg
Folding Technology: Direct Folding, One Uncut Square
Material: High Quality Origami Paper
Color: Rose, Green, Blue
Format/Size: 21cm*21cm
Inspired by: Traditional Origami
Concept/Customer: Zeiss
Studio Kristina Wissling created classic origami figures for the client Zeiss during the International Congress of German Ophtalmic Surgeons at the Exhibition& Congress Center in Nuremberg. These figures were made from high-quality Japanese origami paper according to the One-Sheet-No-Cuts principle.
Paper objects such the „Classic Peace Dove“, elephants and butterflies were made in colours matching the clients advertising campaign. The objects were handed out during the exhibition to the visitor in form of „Give-Aways“ as part of the customer communication. In addition, the paper objects shown in the advertising campaign were installed and shown at the exhibition stand.
Interested in holding paper art or origami workshops for your customers or staff please get in touch.

Object: Butterfly
Collection: Butterfly, Dove, Elephant
Size Crease Pattern: 21cm*21cm
Material: High Quality Origami Paper
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