Bespoke Origami Installation
Schloss Homburg Nümbrecht
Application: Set Design
Title: Bespoke Origami Paper Cranes for Museum and Forum Schloss Homburg, Nümbrecht
Project: Origami Paper Cranes for Indoor and Outdoor Installations, 5 month exhibition period
Folding Technology: Direct Folding/ One Uncut Square
Material: Synthetic Paper, Wood
Colors: White
Format, Size: Span With between 120cm-140cm
Inspired by: Traditional Origami, Geometry
Initiator/ Concept: Agency BOK+GÄRTNER I Design + Szenographie
Photography: c Agency BOK+GÄRTNER I Design + Szenographie
Customer: Museum und Forum Schloss Homburg, Nümbrecht
Studio Kristina Wißling created 250 bespoke origami paper cranes for the exhibition "Zug der Kraniche" in Schloss Homburg in Nümbrecht. We hand- folded each square of paper into a traditional origami crane design. The paper cranes were installed by hand, hanging from the ceiling using Nylon cords in swarms of birds of different sizes in the interior of the exhibition.
In addition, we designed bespoke large format origami cranes for indoor and outdoor use. The designs were made of waterproof and tear-resistant paper and an inner wooden frame for the outdoor installation of the 5-month exhibition period.

Exhibition Object: Origami Paper Cranes
Size Crease Pattern/ Outdoor Objects: 160cm*160cm
Size Crease Pattern/ Indoor Objects: 25cm*25cm
Year: 2018
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